Zaanse Schans

Schansend 7
1509 AW

General description

The Zaanse Schans Information Desk is situated in the reception area of the Zaans Museum and is open daily from 09.00 to 17.00 hours. The Zaanse Schans is open daily throughout the year. There is no entrance fee, however some of the attractions are during the winter months only opened in the weekends. For further information please contact the Zaanse Schans Information Desk.

Attractions at the Zaanse Schans
There were once more than a thousand windmills situated alongside the Zaan, six of which can now be found at the Zaanse Schans: two oil mills, a mustard mill, a paint mill and two saw mills. A visit to a working industrial mill is an unforgettable experience.

The Zaanse Schans has a varied selection of interesting museums. Information about opening times is available at the Zaanse Schans Information Centre in the Zaans Museum.
Other museums in the immediate area include the Zaans Museum at the Zaanse Schans, the Honig Breethuis in Zaandijk, the Windmill Museum in Koog aan de Zaan and the Tsar Peter House in Zaandam.

Traditional Crafts and Shops
A number of fascinating traditional Dutch crafts are practised at the Zaanse Schans. There are demonstrations of clog-making, Delftware painting, pewter-casting and cheese-making. Shops selling textiles, pottery, cheese, mustard, clogs, postcards and many other items are situated in a variety of historic Zaanse warehouses and barns.

Other information

Type(s): Museum

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Euro.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 5 people
from 5 people
from 5 people

Feedback people have left about Zaanse Schans

I have been there. very nice for a tourist to go to.

Left by jakov on Wed 8 Jul 2009 17:13

Just an amazing place to go on an date. No jews around (at least when I was there) very accesible and a very nice scenary

Left by moishi on Fri 31 Jul 2009 15:22

if you go outside regular holidays time it can be pretty quiet

Left by nessanel on Wed 2 Sep 2009 17:14

very nice place. not much chance you are going to meet anyone else there. can be very cold in the winter,

Left by kosheroutings on Wed 21 Oct 2009 13:23

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