Tatton Park

WA16 6QN
United Kingdom


General description

A very nice park to go for a walk.

Other information

Type(s): Park

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 5 people
from 5 people
from 5 people

Feedback people have left about Tatton Park

I have been there and would like to recomend it

Left by Zwi Meisner on Mon 1 Jun 2009 23:44

A beautiful park, with huge grounds. Avoid bank holidays and Sundays as it can get busy, but otherwise, it tends to be fairly quiet.

There is a charge for the car park, but once you are inside, everything is free.

Left by Admin on Tue 2 Jun 2009 14:58

Agreed that it's beautiful. Plenty of open spaces for quiet walks.

Left by Fred on Tue 2 Jun 2009 15:00

Excellent place, but busy at weekends.

As it is not far from the big Jewish section in North Manchester, there is a reasonable chance of meeting someone you know. This might not bother you, but it's worth knowing.

Left by Yankel on Mon 15 Jun 2009 17:32

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