Pituim Restaurant

rechov rachel imeinu 5


General description

A nice dary restaurant in Jerusalem.


This is a story of food… of a small place filled with warm aromas of thick dough, steaming quiches, cakes with a caloric value that violates the Geneva Convention, rich soups, and a young woman whose motto in life is that the perfect end to a meal lies with the dessert!

“Pituim,” owned by Chef Daphna Baruch, has recently celebrated 8 successful years in business. Daphna Baruch’s love for the profession of the confectioner started at a young age and usually manifested itself at family meals. After her time in the army, Daphna studied cooking for about a year at Hadassah College. After realizing that cooking in general and pastries in particular are her purpose in life, she decided to fly to London in order to study the profession. At the age of 23 she decided to open the patisserie “Pituim” which is based on the knowledge she accumulated in Israel and abroad.

“Pituim” is a small and intimate coffee shop and patisserie which proves a homey atmosphere and aromas of the oven that reach far and wide. The food prepared is unique and of a high quality, combining the finest seasonal fruits and vegetables, and the highest quality of raw ingredients. The menu is rich and diverse, including breakfasts, soups, salads, quiches, and, of course, cakes and desserts.

Other information

Type(s): Restaurant

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Shekels.


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