Basel - Rheinfelden


General description

Relax on a fine ship which takes you in two hours from Basel's city center to Rheinfelden, passing two sets of locks.
Enjoy the postcard-like view of Basel.
Rheinfelden is a historic town with a nice park at the river banks and a small, but colorful shopping mall.
Frequent trains back to Basel only 15 minutes walk away (well signposted) from where ship docks.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Lake, Park, Shopping Mall

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 70 Franks.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 2 people
from 2 people
from 2 people

Feedback people have left about Basel - Rheinfelden

The lake side is 2/3 minutes walk from the train station. There is an old style town centre and a park with benches at the lakeside. There is also a restaraunt where you can buy a drink. If you take a walk along the lakeside you could cross the Rhein Lake via the bridge and walk into Germany on the opposite side. (Make sure you carry your passport with you). Its a quiet place without too much hustle of a normal town centre. I highly doubt you will meet anyone you know. the closest Jewish Community is Basel which is 10/15 minute train ride.

Left by Mordechai on Wed 6 Oct 2010 16:17

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