Druid Hill Park

2600 Madison Avenue
United States


General description

Baltimore's first large municipal park, Druid Hill, is commonly known for its shady lawns, rolling hills, picturesque water features, and majestic forest. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the history of Druid Hill Park began over two centuries ago when the Susquehannock Indians ceded land that included the park's area in its holdings to Lord Baltimore (1652). It is believed that Druid Hill would have been a desirable place for American Indians because of its access to the Jones Falls Stream as well as the multiple springs at the site. Formerly the estate of George Buchanan, one of the seven commissioners responsible for the establishment of Baltimore City, "Auchentorlie" included 579 of the 745 acres that comprise Druid Hill Park today.

Druid Hill Park, purchased in 1860, was developed as part of a nationwide movement to provide large parks for urban dwellers (Central Park began development in 1858), following in the tradition of European parks developed in the picturesque garden style. Druid Hill Park was primarily used for strolling, driving, riding, and ball games. Its numerous water features included natural springs, streams, and lakes that also functioned as drinking water reservoirs for the citizens of Baltimore. Druid Hill lake began construction in 1863 and remains the largest earthen dammed lake in the country. The Zoo was established in 1876 as a result of people donating various animals to the park. Other amenities at the site include the Baltimore Conservatory and the Palm House, which are currently undergoing a renovation and expansion of greenhouse space. Druid Hill Park is located in northern Baltimore and is bounded by the Jones Falls Expressway (1-83) to the east, Swann Drive and Reisterstown Road to the west, Druid Park, Lake Drive to the south, and Druid Park Drive to the north.

Other information

Type(s): Park

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Dollars.


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