Blackpool Illuminations

Blackpool, FY1
United Kingdom

General description

Blackpool Illuminations sees this seaside city of fun still buzzing with excitement and laughter long after other resorts have gone into winter hibernation.

At 10 kilometres long and using over one million bulbs the Blackpool Illuminations are an awesome spectacle.

The Blackpool Illuminations consist of almost every kind of light display you can imagine: lasers, neon, light bulbs, fibre optics, searchlights and floodlighting. In 2005 there were more than 500 scenic designs and features. There are set pieces made out of wood studded with light bulbs: the characters and objects portrayed seem to “move” by way of winking lights. Three-dimensional illuminated scenes are also popular. There are over 500 road features attached to lamp posts linked together with festoon lighting. Strings of lights along the structure of buildings pick out landmarks in luminous detail – you can always make out the Tower and the Pleasure Beach rides in this way.

Make sure to check if it is on, as it is normally only a few month a year.

Other information

Type(s): Activities

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 2 people
from 2 people
from 2 people

Feedback people have left about Blackpool Illuminations

Nice place!!

Left by Yanky on Mon 12 Oct 2009 09:20

It can be nice and romantic but be aware that many of the illuminations may be inappropriate for a couple on a shidduch.

Left by ecg on Wed 6 Jul 2011 10:58

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