London Eye

Riverside Building, County Hall
Westminster Bridge Road,
United Kingdom

General description

The London Eye isn’t just one of London’s top tourist attractions, it’s an extraordinary piece of engineering design and architecture. In this section you’ll find out some fascinating facts, learn about the London Eye’s history and have the opportunity to take a virtual flight or virtual River Cruise to get a real taste of the London Eye experience.

Other information

Type(s): Lounge, Lake, Museum

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 4 people
from 4 people
from 4 people

Feedback people have left about London Eye

Good activity to do on a date, but bear in mind you are confined in a pod for 20 minutes! To avoid the queues you can book your tickets over the phone (while you are standing there if you like) and then pick them up from the machines.

Left by Simcha on Wed 17 Jun 2009 13:29

a very pleasant experience overall although we didnt use it for a date we found the river cruise very relaxing and very interesting as it tells you alot about the history of london which can give you forty five minutes to chill out a bit without any pressure of making constant conversation and as for the actual eye itself the view is amazing and well worth it.

Left by Guv on Thu 27 Aug 2009 14:23

very nice but quite expensive.

Left by David on Wed 1 Feb 2012 10:45

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