Harewood House

Harewood House Trust, Harewood House,
LS17 9LG
United Kingdom


General description

Harewood sits at the heart of Yorkshire, easily accessible by road, rail and air. The House, one of the treasure houses of England, was built in the mid-18th century and has magnificent interiors by Robert Adam, furniture by Thomas Chippendale and paintings by JMW Turner, Reynolds, Titian and El Greco, among others. An Italianate Terrace, designed by Sir Charles Barry, stretches along the South Front of the House and provides stunning views of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown's landscape and lake. The collection of paintings, furniture and porcelain is as fine as any in the land, and the setting is Yorkshire’s most beautiful landscape.

But that’s not all. Harewood is just as much about today as it is about history. There are exhibitions of contemporary art, an award-winning educational department and gardens overseen by the Professional Gardener of the Year. There is a wide range of open-air events: from concerts to kite festivals, from car rallies to craft fairs. If you love art or gardens or walks in the English countryside, or if you’re looking for a family day out, a cultural experience or a romantic afternoon, come to Harewood. We think you‘ll be delighted!

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Museum

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 26 Pounds.


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