Space Needle

400 Broad St
WA 98109
United States

General description

Gorgeous view of Seattle and surrounding area, mountains lakes.

The Space Needle is a tower in Seattle, Washington. The Space Needle is 605 feet (184 m) high and 138 feet (42 m) wide at its widest point and weighs 9,550 tons. The Space Needle features an observation deck at 520 feet (160 m), the SkyCity restaurant at 500 feet (152 m), and a gift shop. From the top of the Needle, one can see not only the Downtown Seattle skyline, but also the Olympic and Cascade Mountains, Mount Rainier, Mount Baker, Elliott Bay and surrounding islands. At 60 stories it is not remarkably tall, and it is not as close to the cluster of downtown skyscrapers as one might think judging only from the typical angle from which the skyline photographs are taken. Visitors can reach the top via elevators that travel at 10 mph (16 km/h). This trip takes 43 seconds and some tourists wait in hour-long lines in order to ascend to the top of the tower. On windy days, the elevators will be slowed down to ascend at a speed of 5 mph.

Other information

Type(s): Activities

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 34 Dollars.


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