Saint Annes

67 St Annes Road West
Lytham St Annes
Saint Annes
United Kingdom

General description

The twin towns of Lytham and Saint Annes are nowadays jointly referred to as Lytham St Annes as their separate boundaries are virtually indistinguishable, although residents may beg to differ, for old loyalties die hard.

Lytham is a quieter, less commercially developed resort when compared to its immediate northern neighbour, Blackpool, and for this reason it is much favoured by older people and those who seek a more peaceful seaside experience.

It has extensive golden sands, and because the sea lies a good way out, and the tidal race is slow and gentle, it is an ideal place for small children, and its shoreside facilities reflect this.

There is a well established with a main promenade near the central pier, where visitors may walk amongst the ornamental gardens overlooking the sea.

The old Victorian pier, which lies centrally on the beach has been totally renovated in recent years, and its former elegance has been enhanced by new facilities for refreshments, ice cream kiosk, toilet facilities and an amusement arcade for small children.

On the beach one may find the traditional donkey rides which seem to have suffered very little by the march of time.

Close to the promenade is the famous Lytham Green and Windmill. Lytham has an excellent shopping centre, with many quaint shops as well as the larger stores.

There are facilities for tennis and bowls at Lowther Gardens and at Fairhaven Lake, there are sailing dinghies, rowing boats, motor boats and water skiing.

St Anne's is famous for its Golf Links, there are four championship courses, the Royal Lytham and St. Anne's, St.Anne's Old Links, Fairhaven and Lytham Green Drive.

Lytham is also a good winter venue with its games arcade on the pier with good basic café facilities on-site.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Seaside

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


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