Gaylord Texan

1501 Gaylord Trail
United States

General description

The Gaylord Texan is strictly speaking a hotel and convention center. HOWEVER, it is also a fantastic place to walk around.
They have a huge, 9-story indoor atrium that is at a perfect 72ยบ all year round, as well as two smaller atriums that are off of the main one. The atrium is divided into three separately themed areas: one San Antonio theme, one North Texas theme, and one general Texas theme. There is a river walk, a canyon walk, a sports bar a regular bar, a few restaurants with "outdoor" seating.
There is a very nice lobby area with a live pianist, multiple fireplaces, and very comfortable, abundant seating.
There are also two walking paths (1/2 mile and 1 mile long) that start from the hotel and go outside around the grounds. The paths go around/near two lakes that are on/near the property and are a pleasure to walk on.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Lounge, Hotel

This is an indoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 20 Dollars.


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