Central Perk Cafe

105 Cedarhurst Ave, Cedarhurst, NY 11516
Cedarhurst NY
United States

General description

Central Perk Cafe was opened in 2001 by a Cedarhurst local. Every cup of coffee ordered is ground and brewed fresh. Offering a full menu of delicious kosher foods, Central Perk is proud to assure its customers that its beans are always less than a week old. This busy coffee bar, with handmade gelato and made-to-order coffees, is a great place to hold a meeting, stop in for a snack or lunch with the family. Central Perk uses Clover coffee machines
Hours: Sun - Fri, 7:30am - 10pm
Payments accepted: American Express, Cash, Debit Card, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Food & dining options: Gluten-free, Kosher, Low calorie, Vegan, Vegetarian
General services: Eat-in, Phone orders, Take-out
Specialties: Made-to-order coffee, breakfast
Parking: On-street: metered
Price level: $
Reservations: Not accepted
Features: Breakfast, Group-friendly, Kids' Menu, Lunch
Atmosphere: Fun

Other information

Type(s): Restaurant

This is an indoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 50 Dollars.


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