
No adress you get there only by train
Station is called Ütliberg

General description

Zürich's local mountain towers at 871 meters above sea level over the roofs of Zürich. You can either walk all the way up or take a train. Up there, there is a very high tower you can walk up and spend a few moments overlooking the beautiful view over Zürich ( gives lot to talk about) There also Restaurants around where you can sit down and have a drink.. Except for train ticket and drink its all free and makes a full date lasting good few hours including the time to get there and back.

Other information

Type(s): Park

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Franks.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 4 people
from 4 people
from 4 people

Feedback people have left about Uetliberg

my brother was there, he said it was amazing!

Left by tanya on Sun 28 Jun 2009 02:06

I was there in the evening, it was very nice and quiet.

Left by Jisroel M on Sat 11 Jul 2009 23:32

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