Pennington Flash Country Park

Off St Helens Road
Leigh, Greater Manchester
United Kingdom

General description

Pennington Flash Country Park is a 200 hectares (494 acres) country park located between Lowton and Leigh in Greater Manchester, England.

The flash itself is a 70 hectares (173 acres) lake. It is an extensive nature reserve with several bird hides and a network of tracks and footpaths, nationally renowned for its birdlife. A variety of well-maintained paths cater for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Ideal for disabled persons the Flash's hides have ramps for wheelchair access.

One of the premier birdwatching sites in North West England, over 230 bird species have been recorded on site including: Black-faced Bunting, Nightingale, Marsh Harrier, Spoonbill and Leach's Storm-petrel. Additionally, a wide variety of butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies can be spotted in the area.

Facilities include a small information centre, a nine-hole municipal golf course, a pay and display car park, a children’s play area, picnic and recreation areas, fishing on certain shores.

Other information

Type(s): Lake, Park

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 2 people
from 2 people
from 2 people

Feedback people have left about Pennington Flash Country Park

A large and open place, ideal for a walk. Far enough away from Manchester that you probably would not see anyone you know, but near enough to be accessible without a long drive.

Left by Yankel on Mon 15 Jun 2009 17:30

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