Hollingworth Lake Country Park

Rakewood Road,
OL15 0AQ
United Kingdom

General description

The scenic walk around the lake is 2.5 miles (4.0 km) long and passes by a nature reserve with a bird hide. The lake boasts many watersports such as sailing, windsurfing,canoeing, swimming, rafting, rowing and fishing. Since 1989, Hollingworth Lake Water Activity Centre has offered quality tuition in outdoor activities, including kayaking, canoeing, power boating and sailing. Rowing boats are also available to hire in the summer. The lake is teeming with wildlife and is often used as a means of adventure activities for children, who catch various pond life.

To the east of the lake, a visitors' centre showcases children's artwork from around the area, and also displays things that have been found in the lake.

Around the Lake there are many places to fish, all of which a day ticket and rod license. There are Pike, Perch, roach and carp.

Other information

Type(s): Lake, Park

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


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