Hotel Kempinski St. Moritz

Via Mezdi 27
St. Moritz

General description

Experience perfect hospitality. At the Kempinski St. Moritz, outstanding hotel tradition is combined with modern service, exclusivity with recreation, chic understatement with luxury. These are some of the reasons why discerning guests from around the world have felt at home with us for more than 100 years.

Experience Kempinski’s 5-star hotel comfort at ease. Enjoy your stay free from the restraints of formal etiquette – sportive and active or totally relaxed. St. Moritz is a fascinating cosmos, with the Upper Engadine’s lakes and mountains providing never ending options for alpine sports and recreation – 1,800 meters above average.

Other information

Type(s): Lounge, Hotel

This is an indoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 35 Franks.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 1 person
from 1 person
from 1 person

Feedback people have left about Hotel Kempinski St. Moritz

i have been here in the winter. a very nice hotel

Left by jakov on Wed 10 Jun 2009 21:27

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