Jerusalem Biblical Zoo


General description

On a sunny day, the Biblical Zoo is a spectacular scene! It will serve as an excellent location for third or fourth date because of the easy going atmosphere. Some may even choose the zoo for a first date; as opposed to an intimidating hotel atmosphere, the chilled out atmosphere of the zoo is a perfect way to break the ice on that first date.

There is also a snack bar and a coffee-shop for when you feel like sitting down for a drink with your date.

Directions by bus:

The No. 26 Bus, from Mt. Scopus via the Jerusalem Central Bus Station
The No. 33 Bus, from Har Nof and Bayit VeGan
The No. 99 Bus, also known as the Circle Route or the Tourist Route

Other information

Type(s): Zoo

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 90 Shekels.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 6 people
from 6 people
from 5 people

Feedback people have left about Jerusalem Biblical Zoo

just came back from there. it is an amazing place!!

Left by tanya on Mon 10 Aug 2009 21:09

Excellent. Just as a zoo it's very good, when you include the fact that they've tied the displays into parts of Tenach, it brings it more to life.

A good day out.

Left by Yankel on Thu 17 Sep 2009 15:32

still a great place

Left by yeedle on Wed 15 Oct 2014 12:06

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