Burrs Country Park

Woodhill Road
United Kingdom


General description

Burrs Activity Centre is situated in the award winning Burrs Country Park close to the centre of Bury, with the river Irwell, the East Lancashire railway, a newly developed Caravan Club site with 80 pitches, the Brown Cow Public House, a Heritage Trail and the activity centre, all on site, it really is worth a visit.
Abseiling in a local quarry
You can try

* Climbing & Abseiling (On and Off site)
* Kayaking
* Canoeing
* Raft Building
* Archery
* Orienteering (On and Off site)
* Cross the Canal Challenge
* Problem Solving
* 120 foot abseil (Off site)
* New High Ropes Activities

When you have enjoyed your day with us why not spend time in our café or larger groups can stay in our modern bunkhouse with various size bedrooms, a self catering kitchen and large recreation room. These facilities can be used for meetings and training days with buffet lunches provided.

At Burrs we pride ourselves on providing a friendly environment within our centre for all activities and professional instructors to make your chosen activity exciting, challenging, adventurous,safe and above all FUN.

Other information

Type(s): Activities

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Pounds.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 1 person
from 1 person
from 1 person

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