Millennium Park

201 E. Randolph Street
United States

General description

Millennium Park is a prominent civic center of the City of Chicago in Illinois and an important landmark of the city's lakefront. A redeveloped section of Grant Park, the 24.5-acre (9.9 ha) landmark is bounded by Michigan Avenue and its Chicago Landmark Historic Michigan Boulevard District, East Randolph Street, Columbus Drive and East Monroe Drive. It is historically the site of the Chicago Cubs' (then known as the White Stockings) first home field in 1871: the Union Base-Ball Grounds.
Millennium Park has the world's largest rooftop garden and has become a major tourist destination for Chicago. The park features the Cloud Gate, Crown Fountain, Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Lurie Garden and other attractions. The park is connected by bridges to other parts of Grant Park (BP Pedestrian Bridge, Nichols Bridgeway).

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Park

This is an outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Dollars.


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