Marriott Marquis

1535 Broadway
New York
United States

General description

A freely accessible eighth floor Atrium lounge "serving classic cocktails underneath a soaring 37-story atrium".
The View lounge: "NYC's only revolving roof top restaurant". The lounge has a great view of Manhattan and slowly revolves. The decor is formal, with slightly dimmed lights and candles on the tables.

You can take your drinks one flight up and look down at the lounge.

Great lounge - very large, always plenty of space to sit (and diff. types of seating: couches, chairs, etc.)
No waiter service.

The View:

The View:
You must check your coat on the third floor where's there's an express (transparent) elevator to the 48th floor. Sometimes they do not require this.
There is a $7 cover charge after 9pm, even if you arrive before.
You must be over 21 to enter. They may check ID.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Hotel, Lounge

This is an indoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 10 Dollars.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 2 people
from 2 people
from 2 people

Feedback people have left about Marriott Marquis

nice place!!!

Left by Admin on Fri 26 Feb 2010 14:46

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