Seward Park

5895 Lake Washington Blvd.
WA 98118
United States

General description

Beautiful Park with a 2.5 mile walking/bicycling path.
Seward Park is a 300 acre (120 ha) park in Seattle, Washington that occupies all of Bailey Peninsula, a forested peninsula off south Seattle that juts into Lake Washington.
One approaches the park from the north by Lake Washington Boulevard S, from the south by Seward Park Avenue S., or from the west by S Orcas Street. The main parking lot and a tennis court are located in the southwest corner. The most commonly used trail is a car-free loop around the park. It is flat and 2.5 miles long ( 3.8 km). The perimeter trail was repaved in 2007. Other trails run through the interior, including a few car-accessible roads that lead to amenities including an amphitheater and picnic area. Seward Park features numerous small beaches, the largest one on its southwest side, as well as a playground and an arts center.

Other information

Type(s): Activities, Lake, Park

This is an indoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Dollars.


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