Lucerne Lake


General description

Unquestionably one of Europe's most charming cities, Lucerne also has the added virtue of stunning lakeside and mountain sceneries on its doorstep. Its fame as a tourist resort is kept up from year to year by an incredible choice of attractions and activities. The town has a remarkable site at the northwest end of Lake Lucerne, where the Reuss River resumes its course.
The center of Lucerne is a pedestrian area of cobbled streets bordered by houses, shops and hotels painted in medieval style or decorated with displays of flowers. Above the old town is the original city wall from which you can admire the splendor and variety of the scenery.
Lucerne is ideally situated in the historic and scenic heart of what many believe to be the 'true' Switzerland - picture mountains, lakes, cowbells, alpine villages and meadows full of edelweiss. Once a simple fishermen's village, this charming town straddles the Reuss River on the western edge of Lake Lucerne and makes an excellent base for many excursions in Switzerland. One of the main attractions is crossing the Reuss River on the famous Chapel Bridge

Other information

Type(s): Lake

This is an outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 0 Franks.


The following three ratings are averages from user feedback.

from 2 people
from 2 people
from 2 people

Feedback people have left about Lucerne Lake

I have been here a few times! to be reconmended

Left by jakov on Tue 9 Jun 2009 16:38

I fully agree with jakov, my granparents lived very near there, and it is a very nice place

Left by Admin on Tue 9 Jun 2009 16:40

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