Fontainebleau Hilton Resort

4441 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach
United States

General description

South Florida's most renowned landmark hotel, the Fontainebleau Hilton is situated on 20 lush tropical acres on the ocean in Miami Beach and is now home to "Cookie's World", our own interactive children's water playland . . . The resort continues to reflect the gracious ambiance and prestige that has made it famous since its opening in 1954. Where the Beach Began ... The Fontainebleau Hilton Resort has been the crown jewel of Miami Beach since its inception in 1954. Long before the trendy street cafes and nightlife scene erupted on South Beach, the famed Fontainebleau was the home to movie stars, politicians, major celebrities and more. Rich in history, and visited by every American president since Eisenhower, this legendary hotel has graced the Miami Beach landscape for nearly 50 years. Miami Beach and the Fontainebleau Hilton Resort continue to remain virtually synonymous, it's nearly impossible to imagine one without the other. All it takes is one visit to understand why. Begin with a magnificent setting that encompasses a half-acre lagoon-style rock grotto pool with cascading waterfalls surrounded by lush tropical greenery. Poolside cabanas overlook "Cookie's World" and the sparkling Atlantic Ocean just beyond the naturally beautiful beach. The resort's interior is just as stunning.

Other information

Type(s): Lounge, Hotel, Seaside

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 25 Dollars.


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