Eden Roc

4525 Collins Avneue Miami Beach
United States


General description

Overlooking world-renowned Miami Beach, the bold new Eden Roc hotel in Miami Beach, Florida embraces its role as a timeless treasure, yet welcomes guests with a gracious new contemporary spirit. Once again, guests can luxuriate in spacious rooms & suites at this unique Miami Beach, Florida hotel. Bask in the sun at one of four refreshing pools or claim a chaise lounge on the beach to watch the waves roll by. Discover culinary excellence at gia italian kitchen and wine bar, Cabana Beach Club or the Lobby Bar. Enjoy additional Miami Beach hotel amenities including a marina, Starbucks Café and 46,000 sq ft of lavish indoor meeting space as well as 25,000 sq ft of outdoor event space. Eden Roc, A Renaissance Miami Beach Resort & Spa has completed a magnificent and historic $200 million renovation with the exception of our new spa which is in the final phase of planning and permitting. Currently the luxury Miami Beach hotel offers spa services and a fitness center to all guests.

Other information

Type(s): Lounge, Hotel, Seaside

This is an indoor/outdoor location, and the average cost for two adults is 25 Dollars.


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